I agree to the terms and conditions of the U.H.A.
Membership to the U.H.A may be revoked at anytime if you as the member misuse your membership in anyway.
Commit fraud toward your Customers or the U.H.A. You may not share your membership with any other person or company for any reason.
All information and products on this site is the property of the U.H.A. We reserve the right to refuse membership to anyone for any reason.
Affiliates: I hereby agree to the terms and conditions of the UHA. Checking the box I agree that I will represent the UHA in a professional manner.
I understand that my affiliate status may be revoked at anytime without warning if I exhibit any practices that would be considered
by the UHA to be unbecoming of a representative of the UHA. Any future commissions and affiliate status will be revoked.
In case of charge backs I understand that commission will be forfeited.
Background Screenings: I understand that the U.H.A obtains information from several databases that are constantly
being updated but due to the changing nature of the information we can't guarantee that all information is100% accurate to date.
I understand that all information obtained is public record and can be obtained by anyone.
Background screenings performed by the U.H.A is a service provided to our members to obtain information about a service company or
Individual to assist our members with hiring home service professionals.
The U.H.A will provide you with a report of information and a certification status but will not suggest in anyway if you should hire the company or not.
Fraud Protection guarantee: is a service provided to our members.
We guarantee that a company that is certified by the U.H.A will not commit fraud toward you or we will pay you back for your loss up to $5000.00.
To qualify you must maintain an active paid membership through the entire process. file a police report and complaint with the
U.H.A within thirty days of the occurrence. Upon completion of the investigation by the police department and the U.H.A
you will be reimbursed for your loss up to $5000.00 minus any money's recovered by the offending company.
Tax deductions: Some of the fees charged by the U.H.A may be a business tax write off. Please check with your licensed tax adviser to assist
you with this information. The U.H.A gives no professional opinion on this matter.